Updating Evaluation Open/Close By Dates

This guide is written to demonstrate how to modify the close by date; however, these instructions will also work to modify the open by date.

Please email dgsomsao@mednet.ucla.edu, if you need any assistance.

If anything in this overview can be improved upon, please email us with your suggestions.

Each evaluation has a close by and open by date. You can manually change these dates.

  • Assumption 1: You have already selected the course and year that you want to add evaluations.
  • Assumption 2: You have navigated to the Search and Edit Evaluations page.
  • Assumption 3: You have a basic understanding of search and edit.

date image

  1. An email is sent to the evaluator after the "open by" date passes and includes a "close by date". This close by date is the last date that an evaluator can submit the evaluation. If this date passes, you will need to modify this date.
  2. Navigate to the closed evaluation (the row has a pink background color).
  3. Click on "Dates" under the column labeled "Action."

date modification interface

  1. Modify the "closes date" to the desired date.
  2. Click on save.