Logging in to MyCourses

Please click on the links below to learn more about logging in to Mycourses.

The url for MyCourses is: https://ucla.oasisscheduling.com.

Please email dgsomsao@mednet.ucla.edu, if you need any assistance.

If anything in this overview can be improved upon, please email us with your suggestions.

  1. Please navigate to the following page: Users with UCLA Mednet Accounts.
  2. The username is the first part of the mednet email account (ie. jbruin@mednet.ucla.edu = jbruin).
  3. If you have forgotten your password, please navigate to http://mednet.ucla.edu/ChangeMyPassword.htm
If you cannot log in after following these instructions, please email dgsomsao@mednet.ucla.edu.

  1. Please navigate to the following page: Users without UCLA Mednet Accounts.
  2. Generally, your username is your first and last name and is included on the evaluation reminder email (i.e. Jill Bruin) username is not case sensitive.
  3. If you have forgotten your password or you have never set a password, you can click on the following link: Forgot your password?
If you cannot log in after following these instructions, please email dgsomsao@mednet.ucla.edu.

Setting my MyCourses PIN

In January of 2016, we added a secondary level of security which requires all users to set a 4-digit pin in order to access the evaluation links sent via email.

Please email dgsomsao@mednet.ucla.edu, if you need any assistance.

If anything in this overview can be improved upon, please email us with your suggestions.

Help! - I cannot access the links that are sent to me in the email from mycourses@mednet.ucla.edu to do an evaluation!

If you have not set a pin, you will not be able to utilize the links sent in the email.


  1. Log into MyCourses (I need help loggin in!)
  2. From your home page, click on "Set my MyCourses PIN." (This is located on the right-side under the heading, "My Account."
  3. Complete the steps listed.