Changing a Student Account to a Resident

Current residents who were once medical students need to have their MyCourses status updated before they can evaluate students.   If any of your residents are listed in MyCourses as a “Student,” please e-mail the information below to so that we can change their status to “Evaluator.”

  • Resident’s name 
  • New e-mail address
  • E-mail Subject line:  Change Resident Status

Please email, if you need any assistance.

If anything in this overview can be improved upon, please email us with your suggestions.

Checking Student Status

When a resident is assigned to evaluate a student, you can verify their “student or evaluator” status next to their name in the “Search / Edit” tab.  If the resident is in the system as a student, “REDACTED” will be to the right of the resident’s name (see below).  Once we change the status of the resident from “Student” to “Evaluator” they will then be able to complete and submit their evaluations.


Additionally, if you have access to "View Users" you can do a search for the individual's name.  If the individual's name does not appear, then they are listed as a student. From the Navigation Bar, click on "Users > Edit User."  If the name does not appear, then they are currently in the system as a student.


If you have access to "View Student Information,"  you can also to a check here.  From the Navigation Bar, click on "Students > View Students Info."  If you do a search for the individual's name and it appears, then the individual is still listed as a student.